Fundraising Dinner with David Fitzgerald

When: Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Secular Hub
254 Knox Ct
Denver, CO 80219

David pic

Note: RSVP on Meetup does not guarantee you a ticket! Tickets must be purchased in advance at the button below. . Because this is a dinner, we are limiting this to 40 attendees and tickets will not be available at the door.




Join us for a buffet dinner and meet David Fitzgerald (Author, Activist, Historical Researcher) 6:30 p.m. at the Secular Hub. Tickets are $30 and include a taco bar (vegetarian options will be available) and assorted beverages. Take this opportunity to get to know our guest in more informal smaller group setting and help support the Hub in bringing in nationally recognized speakers. Tickets are advance purchase until midnight on Sunday, March 24th and will be limited to 40 participants. Tickets will not be available at the door.

Author David Fitzgerald is an award-winning writer, historical researcher and an atheist activist who lectures internationally at universities and secular events, and is a frequent guest on many podcasts. As a historical researcher, he has been actively investigating the Historical Jesus question for over twenty years, and was an associate member of CSER (the former Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion). He is the author of The Complete Heretic’s Guide to Western Religion series (including The Mormons); His books NAILED: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed At All and Jesus: Mything in Action, examine the secular arguments for the Historic Jesus.

At his most recent appearances at the Global Center for Religious Research’s International eConference on the Historical Jesus, he presented some surprising facts, not just about Jesus, but the origins and founder figures of the other major world religions; his latest book on these findings, PLAYING GOD: An Evolutionary History of World Religion is coming soon (see Facebook or his website for updates).