Secular Hub
254 Knox Ct
Denver, CO, 80205
**Mini Film Festival - Short secular videos with discussions. This FilmFest's theme is BEYOND AI: Quantum Computing. Computer scientists are developing new computers with new technologies that will make them over a billion times faster than the largest super computers we have today. We'll watch several videos that try to explain Quantum computing as simple as possible, but that is hard to do because it is SO complicated yet totally facsinating. Then, we'll explore the impact of combining AI and Quantum computing into the future that will blow your mind.**
Humanist Perspectives is a combined monthly program with the Hub and Jefferson Humanists on the 3rd Saturday at 4:00 pm. Come to the Hub to see the show live on the big screen, with discussions and appetizers followed by socializing, a potluck dinner, and a free concert. Feel free to BYOB (beer and wine are OK) or an appetizer to share.
The Mini FilmFest is a semi-regular event. We'll be showing a series of incredible short secular videos on the big screen, 5 to 15 minutes long, followed by discussions. Each Filmfest will feature famous secular people such as Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Andrews, Carl Sagan, Christopher Hitchens, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, George Carlin, Aron Ra, and more, along with topics such as secular politics, evolution, science, Humanism, history, heathen comedy, and more.
The Hub, Jefferson Humanists, and Humanists of Colorado Chapters of the American Humanist Association are very pleased to offer a regular exploration series on the 3rd Saturdays, 4:00 to 6:00 pm., inspired by the Jefferson Humanists. Each session will be slightly different and include several segments to showcase aspects of Humanism through a presentation, videos, movies, forums, and explorations, followed by discussions. We will include time for participants to socialize and get acquainted, in keeping with the chapters' goals of building community.